Introducing The AM Blog

| September 23, 2014 | Reply

am-teamWhen we wrote Appreciation Marketing® back in 2009, Curtis and I had no idea that it would get such legs.

We self-published at first, and never spent any money, time, or energy on a marketing campaign.

We knew the ideas behind the book were legit, and we’d gotten such amazing feedback from the people we shared them with that we quickly realized we had something special.

The brand is still going strong four-plus years later. We’ve sold thousands of books in multiple countries around the world and are still being overwhelmed with wonderful feedback.

Back in the winter of 08′, we came up with a catchy title in “Appreciation Marketing.” When we Googled it, that day, we found ZERO matches. Today (as of September 2014) there are 43.2 million!

While much of AM’s content consists of common sense, none of it is common practice. People who have read our book have told us that their lives were changing while they were reading it! There’s no better compliment than that.

But the best responses have come during our live seminars. Even the tightest and most conservative audiences quickly open up and engage.
They laugh, they nod, and they applaud. Again, thanking us profusely for brightening their day and enhancing their lives (both personally and professionally). Virtually everyone leaves with at least one gold nugget that they’ll never forget!

So, finally, we’re ready to spend a little time promoting the Appreciation Marketing® brand! Oh, we’ve got LOTS more stories now!

Introducing The AM Blog! In the footsteps of our favorite blogger, Seth Godin, we’re going to keep it short and sweet and feed it to you in bite-sized pieces. We’re going o do our best to enlighten and entertain you with real-life examples of Appreciation Marketing® in action!

Please subscribe if you’d like to receive short weekly tips, tricks, and tales of Appreciation and Gratitude. We’re confident in making you the bold promise that these principles will quickly make a positive impact on your life and your business . . . no matter what you do!

We Appreciate you!

Tommy & Curtis

Category: News

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